Toby – Adopt me!
Toby is a 2 year old, 78 lb, Great Pyrenees mix. While he has the beautiful white coat of a Pyr, he is more slender
Toby is a 2 year old, 78 lb, Great Pyrenees mix. While he has the beautiful white coat of a Pyr, he is more slender
Miss Sassy is my new foster dog and available for adoption through Southwest English Setter Rescue. Sassy is an English Setter mix. She’s good with
Diana brought Stevie to me for her “glamour shots”. I have never seen “comb over” ears like this before! LOL She is just so precious
I was so excited to photograph in downtown Dallas at the new Klyde Warren Park, which had just opened up the weekend before this session.
Who doesn’t love Pugs?! I’m a huge Pug lover (have two of my own). Ever wanted a lovable, snuggable pug of your own? Here’s your