I’d like to introduce you to Nathan. Nathan, a 4-year-old puppy mill survivor is a very sick little boy who needs help for his medical care.  He is currently in an oxygen tank at the North Texas Emergency Pet Clinic in Carrollton, TX.

This gentle little pug has won the hearts of the volunteers and the vet staff at the clinic. He is fighting for his life. Please help him live the life he deserves.

UPDATE 5/9/2011  on Nathan – Thank you for the donations and prayers for 4-year-old rescue pug Nathan who was rushed to the emergency clinic for severe pneumonia yesterday morning. Although he does seem more comfortable, the lungs have not improved significantly. Dr. Thompson did a wash to collect fluid for a culture. She is also changing to Muropenem, a penicillin based drug administered via IV. They had some donated which will save us some money and she thinks he might respond better to it. He will stay at the specialty clinic today, and will be seen by Dr. Gulikers and monitored in the hospital there. He may be referred to a specialist if he is going to need the trachea stent. Please consider donating to help us with his bills. They are going to be substantial, but we truly believe little Nathan deserves all the care we can give him. Please help us spread the word about Nathan.

UPDATE 5/10/2011 – on Nathan, the 4-year-old rescue pug with severe pneumonia – Nathan’s white cell count has gone from 42,000 to 19,000 and he is eating and drinking on his own now. He is still under oxygen and will be for at least another 24 hours. The culture on the fuid taken from his lungs had the herpes virus, corona virus and microplasm. They will do another set of x-rays later today, along with more bloodwork and will let us know the results. Our thanks to everyone who has donated to help us with his care in the specialty clinic. Dr. Gulikers is examining him for us, and he is a great vet! Please open your hearts and give to help Nathan

UPDATE 5/12/2011 -We got some challenging news today-Nathan will need surgery for a stent in his breathing passage. We are sending out an appeal for funds. If we cannot get enough donations, the officers may be facing some tough decisions about this sweet little pug. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far – Please keep Nathan in your prayers.

Pug Nathan in oxygen tank

Pug getting breathing treatment

Pug at vet clinic

Nathan the pug

Nathan the pug

sad pug in vet clinic

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