Toby is a 2 year old, 78 lb, Great Pyrenees mix. While he has the beautiful white coat of a Pyr, he is more slender & lanky than a Pyr. We don’t know what he is mixed with, but we do know that he is a sweet, loving, sometimes goofy boy! He has no aggressive behavior, but he is very loyal, and that sometimes causes him to be overly protective of his foster mom. Toby had a medical problem with his knee, but HSFM paid for his surgery, and his foster mom has nursed him back to almost a full recovery. He now plays & romps with the other dogs in his foster home, and he would do best in a home with another dog. He will be a very good walking companion, but not a jogging companion. He walks well on a leash, and rides well in the car. He is a couch potato much of the time, and likes hanging out on his fluffy dog bed. Toby feels secure when he is near his people, and will not do well in a home where his people are gone for long hours. Toby is a loving, sweet, big boy who would benefit from additional obedience training. His adopters will need to be patient with him, and provide positive reinforcement. In return, Toby will be a lifelong, loyal & loving companion. Please visit for more information or to fill out an application.