Please meet Romeo. My newest foster cat, a 5 year old Seal Point Birman. The moment I laid eyes on him I felt an immediate connection to him. He was not only absolutely gorgeous, but looked almost identical to the first cat I had after moving out of my parents home and into my first condo. Mufasa, a Ragdoll kept me company when I was living alone. He provided me with so much joy, love and laughter. Seeing Romeo brought back all those wonderful and comforting memories of Mufasa. Mufasa passed away 2 years ago after being with me for 16 years. When I look at Romeo, I’m in love all over again. Yes, he is beautiful, but as I get to know his amazing personality I’m finding it even harder to imagine letting him go. He’s so laid back and friendly. Nothing is confirmed and I still want to get to know him a little bit longer while I’m fostering him. I hadn’t planned on adding a cat to our household anytime soon. But… some things might be meant to be.
This was Mufasa… yes, sadly I have no good pictures of him. This was taken before my photographic journey.
Romeo is gorgeous!